Toothed Whales

Blainvilles Beaked Whale

Scientific Name: Mesoplodon densirostrisOther Names: Tropical Beaked Whale, Atlantic Beaked Whale, Dense Beaked Whale The most significant identifying feature of the Blainville’s Beaked Whale is, undoubtedly, the two large teeth that grow...

Bairds Beaked Whale

Scientific Name: Berardius arnuxiiOther Names: Southern Giant Bottlenose Whale, Southern Four-toothed Whale, New Zealand Beaked Whale, Southern Beaked Whale, Arnux’s Beaked Whale, Southern Porpoise Whale. There is little known about this elusive...

Arnouxs Beaked Whale

Scientific Name: Berardius arnuxiiOther Names: Southern Giant Bottlenose Whale, Southern Four-toothed Whale, New Zealand Beaked Whale, Southern Beaked Whale, Arnux’s Beaked Whale, Southern Porpoise Whale. There is little known about this elusive...

Andrews Beaked Whale

Scientific Name: Mesoplodon bowdoiniOther Names: Deepcrest Beaked Whale, Splay-toothed Beaked Whale, Bowdoin’s Beaked Whale The Andrew’s Beaked Whale is one of the least known whale species in existence. In fact, it has...

Toothed Whales

Toothed whales are, by definition, characterised by having teeth as opposed to baleen plates, which act as filters for small food items. They belong to the Odonteceti suborder, which refers to...

Grays Beaked Whale

Scientific Name: Mesoplodon grayiOther Names: Scamperdown Whale, Southern Beaked Whale The male Gray’s Beaked Whale is distinguished by a straight mouth-line, white beak and two triangular teeth that erupt out of the...